“Outlaw” Means Living by OUR Traditions, Protocols and Laws above “Civilian” Laws

The other day a Brother and I were meeting up with a biker who was expressing interest in our club.  Our conversation eventually came around to the topic what an “outlaw” club is.  Well there are a lot of reasons why clubs that fly their colors on a three piece patch with the MC cube are called “outlaw” clubs.  One popular reason dates way back to the early days of outlaw biker culture and how some nonconformist bikers went against the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) and since them labeled as “outlaws”.  I cover all that in depth in my book, Get Patched.  But it goes further than that…

It so happens that the man that we were talking to was a military veteran, Marine, and I am a veteran as well.  So I explained to him that in the MC world we have our own way of doing things.  We have our own traditions, protocols and laws.  We hold up those traditions, protocols and laws as being higher and more dear than those of “normal” society.

I went on to explain to him that it is like back when he was an active duty Marine.  (more…)

The Loss of Brother Runs Deep Then We Celebrate His Life

Loss of an MC Brother Runs DeepRecently I have had two Brothers pass on. This loss is always accompanied by deep feelings of sadness because of the profound loss experienced. But also these sad events trigger good memories, of being with that Brother through good times and bad.

It is always tough loosing someone you love and care about. But not experiencing those losses can only happen if you live in isolation. Men do not live satisfying and quality lives in isolation. As men we do our best living in a brotherhood of men. Men that support, lift and challenge us to be better men. We live better family lives when our lives are bonded to other men; men whose families we care about, because they are our Brothers, and they love and care about our families as well.

It is always a tragedy when we lose a Brother and it is in these times of deep loss that the public gets a glimpse of the intensity of our (more…)

The Terror & the Addiction – Riding on the Edge Then and Now

I’m going to die! ” and “I fucking love this!” are just two of the thoughts that went through my head that day.

Before I started hanging round with my MC I was one lazy ass biker when it came to riding with my buddies. In those old days when my biker “brothers” and I would head out somewhere we were a disorganized loose-knit group of riders headed down the road. We road like a disorganized, undisciplined mob going down the highway. It was nothing like when I ride with my MC now. Now we ride tight and fast, and we definitely know what we are doing, riding two by two row after row, moving like a rumbling and roaring train going down a track. That is how it is now, but that is not how it started out for me the first time I rode with the pack, hard, tight and fast. I thought I would die, but I was instantly addicted to it! I wanted more. No, I needed more. I don’t remember if (more…)

The Truth About the Motorcycle Club World & How to Get Patched

Back Cover of Get Patched BookWhat is Bikerstrong.com all about?  It is about the truth about motorcycle clubs and the biker world.  We are not a bunch of worthless scumbags like the media and law enforcement would have the public think.

That is why I wrote and published Get Patched.  It seems that every book out there about our MC world was either written by a cop, a snitch, someone out bad, or some ego centric MC member who just wants to self-aggrandize himself or his club.

Don’t get me wrong having pride in yourself and your club are very good things, they are essential.  But when cops, snitches and guys are out bad from an MC write about the club they are all negatively biased about the MC and biker world in general. (more…)